Teoretyczne i metodologiczne aspekty badania instytucji politycznych i bezpieczeństwa narodowego [1600-SZD-TAB]
Semestr zimowy 2022/23
grupa nr 1
Przedmiot: | Teoretyczne i metodologiczne aspekty badania instytucji politycznych i bezpieczeństwa narodowego [1600-SZD-TAB] | ||||||||||||||||||
Zajęcia: |
Semestr zimowy 2022/23 [2022Z]
Wykład [WYK], grupa nr 1 [pozostałe grupy] |
Termin i miejsce:
Terminy najbliższych spotkań:
Kliknij w datę by zobaczyć tygodniowy plan z zaznaczonym spotkaniem. |
Wszystkie zajęcia tej grupy już się odbyły - pokaż terminy wszystkich spotkań.
Liczba osób w grupie: | 11 | ||||||||||||||||||
Limit miejsc: | 25 | ||||||||||||||||||
Zaliczenie: | Zaliczenie | ||||||||||||||||||
Prowadzący: | Marta Kiełczawa, Szymon Lewandowski | ||||||||||||||||||
Literatura: |
(tylko po angielsku) Campbell, J. L. (2004), Institutional Change and Globalization, Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford. Crawford, S., & Ostrom, E. (1995), A Grammar of Institutions, The American Political Science Review, 89(3), 582–600. Frantz, C., Siddiki, S. (2020), Institutional Grammar 2.0: A Refined Specification for Encoding and Analyzing Institutional Design, Public Administration, in print. Goodin, R.E. (1996, online 2012), The Theory of Institutional Design, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Hay, C. (2002), Political Analysis. A Critical Introduction, Palgrave Macmiilan, Basingstoke, New York. Heritier, A. (2007), Explaining Institutional Change in Europe, Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York. Hindriks, F., & Guala, F. (2015), Institutions, rules, and equilibria: A unified theory, Journal of Institutional Economics, 11(3), 459–480. Kingston, Ch. and G., Caballero (2009), Comparing Theories of Institutional Change, Journal of Institutional Economics, 5(2), 151-180. Lowndes V. and M. Roberts (2013), Why Institutions Matter. The New Institutionalism in Political Science, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, New York. Mahoney, J. and K., Thelen, eds. (2013), Explaining Institutional Change. Ambiguity, Agency, and Power, Cambridge University Press, New York. March, J. G. and J, P., Olsen (1998), Institutional Dynamics of International Political Orders, International Organization, 52(4), 943-969. March, J. G. and J. P., Olsen (1989), Rediscovering Institutions. The Organizational Basis of Politics, Free Press, New York. Olsen, J.P. (1997), Institutional Design in Democratic Contexts, The Journal of Political Philosophy, 5(3), 203-229. Ostrom, E. (2006), Understanding Institutional Diversity, Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford. Peters, B. (2019). Institutional Theory in Political Science, Fourth Edition: The New Institutionalism. Edward Elgar Pub. Pierson, P. (2004), Politics in Time. History, Institutions, and Social Analysis, Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford. Searle, J. R. (2005), What is an institution? Journal of Institutional Economics, 1(1), 1–22. |
Zakres tematów: |
(tylko po angielsku) 1. Technical Introduction Overview of main aims of the course and its structure. 2. Institutions and new institutionalism The concept of ‘institution’ and its meanings. Institutions as basic fabrics of social life. Different takes on institutions in political and policy studies. Overview of three main types of new institutionalism: normative institutionalism, rational choice institutionalism and historical institutionalism. 3. New frontiers of institutionalism Overview of the 'new wave' of institutionalisms in political science: from neo-liberal institutionalism, through constructivist institutionalism and feminist institutionalism, to empirical one. 4. The Institutional Analysis and Development framework (IAD) Introduction to the most comprehensive analytical framework for institutional analysis created by Elinor Ostrom. Overview of the major elements of the framework and its take on the nature of institutions and their role in shaping agents' behaviour. 5. Institutional Change I - Theory Time and change in politics. What is an institutional change? Institutional change vs. institutional stability and policy change. Patterns and types of institutional change. Theories of institutional change - rational choice institutionalism, historical institutionalism and sociological institutionalism. 6. Institutional Change II - Methodology Analysis of institutional change. How to analyze domestic and international (global) institutions? Institutional dimensions and time frames. Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Multi-method approach. 7. Institutional Design (theory) - The scope and limitations of institutional design. Design as bricolage. Design principles and their operationalization. Application of theory of institutional design - democracy studies. 8. Discussion A wrap-up of the course and discussion about essays that are going to be written by course participants. |
Metody dydaktyczne: |
(tylko po angielsku) Lecture with the use of auxiliary materials (audiovisual materials and presentations) and with elements of discussion based on texts read by PhD candidates. |
Metody i kryteria oceniania: |
(tylko po angielsku) The course participants are obliged to read relevant texts. The course participants have to write an essay on a topic related to the subject of the lecture. They will have for it two months. The essay will be then discussed with lecturers. Assessment criteria: Active participation in discussions (10%); an essay (70%); discussion on the essay (20%). |
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